We live in a culture that hates women. We grew up in this culture. We were raised in this culture.
As were our mothers.
And their mothers.
And their mothers.
And so on, back a few thousand years.
And since we are all still alive, what this means is that a long, long, long, LONG time ago, our female ancestors figured out how to survive. How to play the game. How to act the part. And in doing so, they bought not only their survival, but their daughters’ survival too.
This playing the game and acting the part and all the rest of figuring out how to survive had its costs.
It meant disconnecting. From their own bodies. From ancient traditions and rituals and ways of being and knowing. From other women. And even from their own mothers and daughters.
This disconnection brought survival, yes. And it meant our ancient mothers taught and trained their own daughters how to survive. How to disconnect. How to play the game and act the part.
And all this disconnection also meant a severing from the Self. From embodiment. From innate wisdom and knowing.
And this severing and disconnection was wounding. To the psyche and the body and the spirit. To relationships with self and others. And to society and culture and humankind.
These wounds are often called the “Mother Wounds.” I kinda hate that term. I find it to be a distraction. Because while the wounding is partially passed down mother to daughter, the Truth is, that this wounding is passed down by our patriarchal culture. It is passed down by men and women, by fathers and mothers, by the media, by the systems that are meant to keep us in our place and compliant and complicit and obedient.
So, I call these wounds Patriarchal Wounds. Because, that’s what they are. And our mothers and their mothers and their mothers and so on back a few thousand years all had them too.
Some of these wounds were and are physical scars from mutilation or abuse or rape. Some of these wounds were and are psychological from being gaslighted and demeaned and devalued and labeled as less than (human). Some of these wounds are spiritual as religions washed away the goddesses and their stories and rewrote spiritual history so that male gods gave birth to the earth.
All of us have these wounds. And we have internalized the messages that come with this wounding.
That women are evil and can’t be trusted.
That we aren’t good enough at anything.
That we are way too much and take up too much space and air and thought.
That we have no value or worth and make not positive contributions to this world.
And while all these messages have burrowed into our skin and muscle and sinew and being… and while they did the same with our mothers and their mothers and their mothers back a few thousand years… and while at times it seems a losing battle to fight this culture and its hatred of women…
Fight we must.
Resist we must.
Disrupt we must.
Unravel and dislodge and destroy and create new, we must.
Because our daughters deserve better.
Because our nieces deserve better.
Because our sons and nephews and brothers and husbands deserve better.
Because WE deserve better.
I am offering a six month circle of unearthing, unraveling, exploring, examining, disrupting, dislodging, destroying and creating new. Nine months of looking at these wounds and how they have been passed down and how we can apply salve and heal them. So we can do and be different than our mothers and their mothers and their mothers back a few thousand years. So our daughters and nieces and sons and nephews don’t need to heal as much. So we can stop the passing down of these wounds. So we can connect – to our daughters, our mothers, our Self.
If you’d like to learn more and request an application go to http://gwynnraimondi.com/unleashingourself/ Space is limited to 9 women (CIS, Transgender and AFAB non-binary all welcome). I’d love for you to join us.