May you see the wonderous beauty that is you.
May you sparkle and twinkle and glitter and glow.
May you dance and twirl and sing and giggle.
May you look at your younger Self, and deeply know her, allow her to be truly seen.
May you uncover the many facets of who you are now, seeing the rainbows glittering in the sunshine within you.
May you breathe in the truth of your dreams, seeing the future you and knowing she exists inside you now.
May you learn to flow with the ocean waves of life, riding them with grace and confidence, knowing that this wave too shall pass in its time.
May you find your voice and speak your truth.
May you see the light in others and know it is, in part, a reflection of you.
May you deeply see and be seen, listen and be heard, witness and be witnessed.
May you step into the journey of being and becoming with an open heart, knowing each iteration of you is all of you: past, present and future.
May you allow the tears to flow, the laughter to burst forth.
May you come into circle with others on similar yet different journeys, together supporting and loving; being and becoming the beautiful rebels and saints you are meant to be.