I am honored to be a guest writer in Flo Gascon’s Parenting Calmly series today.
The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world. -Marianne Williamson
Twinkle lights glowing in our family and living rooms. Candles at the dining table. Softness blooming out of the lights in our home, gently revealing what each space holds.
Creek gently babbling. Wind chimes tinkling. Sounds quietly entering my senses.
Mellow breeze kissing my face. Supple cotton touching my skin. Caressing touches opening possibilities.
I entered a world of Softness, surrounding myself with soft sights, sounds and feelings. This exterior softness represents the inner softness seeking out space in my body, my heart, my relationships, my being.
As I entered into this shift, the Hardness made itself clearly known. It came as resistance, to not see the world from the eyes of Others. It came as snapping at my husband and daughter over trivial things. It came as judgement of others and how they are living their lives.
Yes, others did hurtful things. Yes, others said unkind words. Yes, I’ve been misunderstood. Yes, there have been times I have been abandoned and unloved, shamed and ridiculed.