Choose the payment plan that fits best for your family’s financial situation.
Note: By registering for this program you agree to the Office Policy and Client Service Agreement terms and conditions.
Registration is currently closed. Registration for the next module will open in late July 2021 (next Module to begin late September). To be notified of this and other offerings, you can sign up for my newsletter here.
Option 1 :: $204/month for six months for those who can pay extra to allow me to offer lower rates
Option 2 :: $168/month for six months recommended price
Option 3 :: $136/month for six months for those needing partial funding (limited number available, if link is not active then all spots at this price have been claimed.)
Option 4 :: $99/month for six months for those in need of extra crisis funding (limited number available, if link is not active then all spots at this price have been claimed.)
**If none of these pricing options are feasible for your family’s financial situation and you are deeply called to this work, please contact me directly (gwynn at gwynnraimondi dot com) to see if there are other partial scholarship options available