Here’s a thing :: All those “inspirational” and “heartfelt” Mother’s Day ads you are seeing are selling a lie of what our patriarchal culture says motherhood (and by extension womanhood) “should” look like. They are meant to feed our shame. They are meant to keep us isolated and feeling like we are failing. They are meant to keep us quiet and feeding our own shame.
Here’s what I say to those ads :: Fuck you.
Motherhood is messy and hard. It is heartbreaking and heartlifting. It is a total mixed bag of all the emotions and all the chaos.
AND motherhood does NOT equal womanhood. Some women are mothers and some are not and being a mother doesn’t make you any more or less a woman than not being one.
So … let’s quit feeding the Shame Beast and the status quo. Let’s step into our Light and our Power and our Confidence and our Being. Let’s not allow our culture to shame us into being small and quiet any more.