Layers. So many layers. And with this work of centering and grounding and connecting to our true Self, our Whole Self, we have the privilege of unearthing so many of them. And sometimes when we think we are done working on one layer, one aspect, something happens that brings up a deeper piece to whole.
We explore. We get curious. We start to wonder and wander.
We engage our inner scientist and artist and we get creative and curious and dig in and then rest. Sometimes more inner work happens when we rest, when we aren’t focusing on The Thing. In the rest and nourishing and the replenishing the shifts have space to happen, transformation can come into being in its own time. Which is truly the only way any of this works, right? At its own pace, in its own time. We practice and question and rest and then one day we look back and see all that has shifted and sifted and how we are no longer the people we were a year ago, a month ago, a week ago. And then another layer is ready to be unearthed, and other wave is awakened and our journey into our depths continues.
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