Self-paced. Materials Available now.
Seven weeks releasing internalized shame around pleasure; renewing your relationship with your Self; and reclaiming pleasure as your birthright
Three emails per week containing essays, writing prompts and body-centered mindfulness exercises
All humans welcome
Sliding scale pricing based on US Dollars
Option 1 :: $180 for those who can pay extra to allow me to offer lower rates
Option 2 :: $135 recommended price
Option 3 :: $90 for those needing partial funding
Option 4 :: $63 for those in need of extra crisis funding
Pleasure. For most of us growing up the idea of pleasure was taboo, especially for those socialized as female. We were told pleasure is a sin. Pleasure is evil. Pleasure is selfish. Pleasure is bad.
Pleasure, however, is a part of our human experience. I would even argue a necessary part of our releasing trauma of any kind. Unraveling our own stories of pleasure and why it’s “bad” is no easy feat. And because most of us weren’t allowed or taught about the joy of pleasure when we were young, our bodies actually don’t know how to tolerate pleasure.
During our time together we’ll be looking at seven different aspects of pleasure (i.e. pleasure is not all about sex, even though sexual pleasure is one aspect we will explore) while examining our internalized messaging around pleasure and finding ways to connect to our bodies and tolerate the different kinds of sensations we can experience – from uncomfortable to pleasurable through body-centered exercises and writing.
Writing has always been a passion of mine. It is a way that I process, explore, and express myself. It is how I seek out the answers I hold within me. It is a way I connect with my Self, and it is a way I connect with others in the world.
Writing can be something that we do only with our heads. Those of us who have experienced trauma and have it living within us tend to be very good at being in our heads. It is a safer place to be, it is less terrifying than being in our bodies.
Yet, I have found that being able to connect with the body and allow the mind to translate the non-verbal into the verbal, to find a way to express all (or at least some of what) our bodies hold so that we can understand more clearly our own motivations, our own unconscious longings, our own Self has been my own next evolution in my processing and coming more fully into me and the world.
Our body-mind connection is strong, however one of the challenges is being able to translate the language of our bodies into the language of our minds, to move the unconscious into consciousness. Our bodies will continue to communicate to us, whether we hear them or understand them or not, and the more our bodies don’t feel heard, the louder their messages become.
I have found ways in my own writing practice to become and remain present to my body. To allow myself to experience the sensations and emotions I am feeling while also processing with my mind through writing. To be more present and not only “up in my head”.
Embodied Writing is my way of sharing these practices with you while also exploring some of our own deep seated internalized shame; renewing our relationship with our Self – mind, body, and spirit; and reclaiming the truth and beauty of our own power, strength, and daring.
During our seven weeks together I will be utilizing the story of Inanna and her journey to, in, and then from the Underworld as the scaffolding of our work. Each week we will explore one aspect of pleasure: first naming an internalized shame narrative, next spending some time processing and caring for ourselves around that narrative, and then reclaiming our own Truth about that aspect of pleasure.
You will receive emails on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, each containing a short essay from me, stream of conscious writing prompts for you to explore, and a body-centered mindful practice to help you connect to your body, your own unconscious motivations, and your innate wisdom and knowing. There will also be three live group calls for us to connect, discuss the material, explore any questions, practice some of the exercises, and learn with and from each other.
I would be thrilled for you to join us.
About Me: I am a writer and former marriage and family therapist and now work as a Trauma Support Practitioner. I specialize in trauma, and specifically complex (childhood, relational, attachment based) trauma and how it impacts our relationships with our Self, others, and our world. I have written about many different types of trauma extensively over the last several years. I offer online groups and programs periodically throughout the year, as well as work with individual clients via Zoom. You can learn even more about me here.
If you would like to read more of my writing you can find my blog here.
Or you can subscribe to my weeklyish email here.
If you are interested in exploring if working with me individually would work for you, you can learn more about my individual work here and request a free 30-minute consultation here.