Materials for self-paced available now.
Seven weeks acknowledging, allowing, and releasing our unspoken grief about childhood trauma; and reclaiming our Self
Three emails per week containing essays, writing prompts, and body centered mindfulness exercises.
All humans welcome
Sliding scale pricing based on US Dollars
Option 1 :: $180 for those who can pay extra to allow me to offer lower rates
Option 2 :: $135 recommended price
Option 3 :: $90 for those needing partial funding
Option 4 :: $63 for those in need of extra crisis funding
When we embark on our journeys of processing our complex childhood trauma, often we don’t consider grief as part of the process. We tend to focus on our anxiety and depression, on our somatic symptoms, and don’t make the time to allow the grief of all that we lost and never had, to flow through.
When we were abused or neglected as children, much is taken from us. Our sense of safety. Our ability to trust.
And our ability to grow healthy neural pathways that encourage our curiosity, sense of wonder, and learning.
Who could we have been if we hadn’t experienced these traumas at such young and developmentally critical ages? What have we lost? What are the roads we weren’t able to travel because of the impact of our childhood experiences? What if we didn’t have crippling anxiety? Depression? Chronic fatigue and or pain?
What if we take the time to consider these losses and actually allow ourselves to grieve?
I deeply believe that part of our trauma processing journey is always allowing and processing our grief. The grief of what happened to us when we young, the grief of that scared child not having caregivers who could love them the way they needed, and the grief of all that was lost and that we never had in the first place.
Part of that grief work is somatic based and allowing ourselves to come back into our bodies.
A large part of that work though is in the actual acknowledging and verbal (which can also be written) processing of that grief. Naming it, allowing it, releasing it, and allowing ourselves to begin to (re)claim our own happiness, our own lives, our own truths.
About me :: I am a writer, trauma support practitioner, and former licensed marriage and family therapist. I specialize in trauma, specifically complex (childhood, relational, attachment based) trauma and have written about many different types of trauma extensively over the last several years. I offer online groups and programs periodically throughout the year, as well as work with individual clients via Zoom. You can learn even more about me here.
If you would like to read more of my writing you can find my blog here.
Or you can subscribe to my weekly email here.If you are interested in exploring if working with me individually would work for you, you can learn more about my individual work here and request a free 30-minute consultation here.