The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first. ~Jim Morrison
Last week I wrote to you about releasing those stories we’ve all been told since birth – those stories of how we are too much, not enough, how we should be ashamed of who we are, of even daring to exist. This week I want to write to you about what I call The Goo.
The Goo is that space and time of metamorphosis. It is when the butterfly is in its cocoon and has fully disintegrated from its caterpillar state, but has not yet begun to form into a butterfly.
It is an uncomfortable time.
It is an in-between time.
It is a time of not-knowing where we are really going or what is going to happen next.
And often, it can be a time with lots of fear, worry, and anxiety.
It is that middle time between being unconsciously compliant to mindfully defiant; between being fearfully silent and courageously speaking up and out; between mindlessly going along to get along and willfully demanding justice for our selves and others.
It is a time of transformation.
It is that space between letting go what no longer serves us and (re)claiming those parts of us we have shoved down, ignored, pretended weren’t important.
It is a time, like releasing, like reclaiming, that we approach over and over, revisiting with each layer, each aspect of our unconscious, the conditioning handed down to us, the stories that were fed to us. It is a time that ebbs and flows with our own seasons and rhythms.
In some ways it is a time of rest. A time of stillness. A time of opening and allowing.
In other ways it is a time of massive action. Of profound moving. Of destruction and then creation.
Some liken it to the time in the Underworld from the myths of Inanna or Christ.
It may look like death, and is also the early moments of rebirth.
It is a time of revolution.
Of allowing the destruction of what no longer fits, what no longer works, what is no longer right for you.
Of embracing creation of who we want to be, new ways of doing, new ways of being in the world, in our communities, with our families, with ourselves.
I talk more about this in the 12-minute video below ::
This essay and video series is in part to share with you the topics we’ll be unearthing, unraveling, and unlearning in the six month circle Becoming Unleashed. We begin September 22. If you are interested, you can learn more and request an application here. xoxo
To read the other essays and view the other videos in this series, click the links below ::